Today I went to the plot for the first time in a few weeks. After a week looking after my 3 children I needed a break! It was a sunny day but windy - almost got blown away walking down there...
When I got down I spent an hour or so digging, trying to get the plot ready for planting. I also checked on my garlic, added another row which I found in the shed and planted my first Broad Bean seeds out. The picture to the left shows the garlic growing well.
I also decided that it was time to tidy the shed up - it is now looking better and hopefully the big spiders have found other homes! The challenge is now to keep it tidy.
I didn't go home empty handed though - I picked the last of the sprouts (ok, the only sprouts that grew properly this year) and my leeks to make some soup for work.
All in all a nice morning and I am feeling quite happy about the next year. I just need to spend a little more time down there.