Saturday, 18 May 2013

Shame about the weather

Why does it always seem to rain on weekends when I could get down to my plot?  Looks like today will be spent inside.

To cheer myself up here are some pictures front Wed 15th May.

Monday, 6 May 2013

Bank Holiday Monday

A good day today.  Runner beans planted (see above picture)  Again, tried another technique this year and dug trench, filled with manure and then planted seeds.  I normally grow in pots first...  I'm looking forward to seeing results
It's been quite dry recently so here is my number one son watering the potato's...  He quite enjoyed it really.
All my onion sets are in now - just need to watch them grow.  Planted them in long rows with compost in to start them off.
In the afternoon number one child had had enough so number 2 came down instead.  Here is is pretending to do some weeding...

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Main crop in (at last)

Today was about getting my Main Crop potatos in.  I have gone for Desiree this year hoping for a good crop.

I have planted them slightly differently than usual - putting manure on top of the trench before earthing them up.  The picture shows before I earthed them.  I have got two long rows of these so looking for a lot!

My earlies in the bags and boxes have started to show - around 2 inches of leaf so far.  Gave them a good water today as they were looking dry.  The earlies in the bed are still not showing at all yet. 

Am interested this year in the difference between the earlies in the bags and the earlies in the main bed - will there be a difference in growing time and also quality?  Hoping that the ones in the bags are ready earlier and then can have the 3 rows.  I'll let people know!

Other things done today:
  • Planted 30 sweetcorn seeds - left in shed
  • 1 row of turnips and 1 row of beetroot planted outside
  • Spring cabbages, Sprouts, Broccoli, Courgettes, Leeks and Butternut Squash seeds all started.
Will hopefully be back again tomorrow.  A bit more landscaping needed and preparing things for the Greenhouse build.  Also have some more fencing to do.

All in all a lovely day down at the plot, was sunny and warm which is slightly unusual for a bank holiday!