Being a teacher, it's the beginning of the holidays, and if last week was anything to go by, I was looking forward to having a good few days of warm weather to dig, rotavate and get the potato's in! Hah! Snow, or at least sleet is forecast for tomorrow so that should be interesting!
I have been busy recently though. Have continued to dig up new areas, taking out a couple of paths to fit more potatoes in and also to try and keep on top of the weeds and grass situation.
The broad beans went in last week, along with some early salad and all the onions and shallots have been planted. Hoping they do well this season. I just have two small beds to sort out now and then it is all ready - this year looks like we will use almost all of the plot for the first time which will be good.
At home today I planted up some seeds to get going while we are away - Have got some runner beans, french beans, a seed tray of leeks, some courgettes and some pumpkins. Will get some cabbages and sprouts going as well soon. Am using newspaper pots again as they did a good job last year and make planting out much easier.
Have started some earlies in old tyres and compost - trying to get a good crop at different times this year.
Altogether I am quite happy with where I am at the moment. Now to keep it going all year!