Sunday, 23 January 2011

My Allotment

Right, I meant last year to keep an online blog of what I had done at the allotment each visit and managed to write around 3 posts.  This year I will be better!

Visited today for the 1st real time this year due to weather etc.  Managed to get some leeks, sprouts and some Jerusalem Artichokes.  The sprouts are all gone now but still a few leeks and artichokes left.

Also made a list of jobs to do before the spring.  If I get half of them done I'll be doing well.  They are

  1. Create 4 new raised beds
  2. Create and finish the space for the kids
  3. Tidy up and clean greenhouse
  4. Tidy up chest shed
  5. Cut back brambles and destroy bind weed
  6. Buy and chit potato's
Let's see what happens...